Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is how to get more credits in robot rage!!!

How to download cheat engine5.5:

1. You might need to be an administrator(admin) to download this.
2. Follow this link
3. When you get to the website look at the top left of the page and click downloads. 4. Click on whatever cheat engine you want to use (I am using cheat engine 5.3 but 5.5 is the newest one and you might want to consider getting that one,)
5. Download that cheat engine.
6. After you download the cheat engine install it and then save it on your start menu bar because you will be using it a lot.
This is how you download cheat engine!
Now I'll continue and tell you how to hack robot rage with it.
7. To get to robot rage is to go to the url bar and type in "robot rage".
8. Click on whichever website you want to use for robot rage. ( You might need to install adobe if you have not installed it already).
9. When you get to the game it will take probaly about 2 minutes to 5 minutes if your computer's internet is slow or fast.
10. After the game is done downloading create a account using your email (or a fake email) and a password that you could remember easily.
11. Next log in and then create your robot's name.
12. Open up cheat engine and in the top right hand cornor click on the flashing computer icon.
13. After you clicked on the flashing computer icon a box should pop up and scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on the internet you are using (firefox, internet explore, or any other internet provider).
14. After that click ok and then you should go back to the cheat engine.
15. Type the number "50" into the value box because that's how much money you have when you first start the game (or create your account).
16. Go back to the game and click buy parts near the top of the screen if you haven't already.
17. Click on the scroll down bar in the game and click "weapons".
18. Click on the "dagger" and then click "buy".
19. After you bought a dagger go back to the cheat engine.
20. In the value box change the "50" to "40" because that is how much credits you have after you bought a dagger.
21. Click next scan ( if you clicked new scan or anything else it will ruin everything that you just did).
22. After that on your left there should be one address "double-click" and then it should pop up at the bottom of the cheat engine.
23. Right click that address and then click on "find out what writes to this address".
24. 2 boxes should pop up close the box to the right because you don't really need it and it will make your internet slower.
25. Go back to the game and then buy another "dagger".
26. Go back to the cheat engine and in the box infront of the cheat engine click on the "letters" and click replace.
27. Replace it with anything like 0 or d or whatever. It doesn't matter just keep it short and pointless/random.
28. Close all the cheat engine and go back to the game.
29. Click on the plow and then buy at most 30 plows because if you buy more then 30 of anything it will mess up the system.
31. Quit out of the game to log off then just close that whole internet window and any tabs it might have had. Then close out of cheat engine and don't save changes. 32. Go to your account and then sell everything that you just bought.
33. After you have done that when you get about 5k (k means 1000), 5000 credits do the same thing as before but with the "armour regenerator".

Here is another way to get tons of money without cheat engine.

1. Instead of logging on to robot rage through miniclip or something else, use this link to log into robot rage
2. Now log in just like you normaly would with your account.
3. Select your robot you want to do the hack with to get credits.
4. Sell all of your parts and find the most expensive part.
5. Click on it but don't click the sell button. (you're still in the sell tab.)
6. After you've clicked on your part go to the paint shop and move your cursor around until your cursor turns into one of those hands.
7. Click where your cursor turns into a hand many times because each time that you click it you get the amount of money for the item that you clicked on in step 5 but you don't sell the part.
8. Keep clicking until you're happy with your credits!

Here's 2 pictures of what the to do and what the screen will look like.
(click for better quality)

Here I also posted a video of how to get credits on robot rage without cheatengine.
This is a walkthrough.

Here is "anyname".Here is the picture of my credits it is 2,425,440 credits!!!!!

By:Jared :)


Anonymous said...


Jared said...

Your welcome :)

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