Monday, November 16, 2009

How to make a fake virus using command prompt (cmd)!!!!!!

First of all to have notepad and command prompt you need to have any type of "windows computer".

If you're not doing this on a private computer, as in, your in a store or at the library, you'll need to check if you can use command prompt. Here's how to do it. First, if the computer has vista or windows 7, just open up start and in the search programs, search for command and wait for command prompt to come up. If it doesn't, then open a notepad and type in: cmd.exe then save it to the desktop naming it cmd.bat. Then open command prompt up. If it says something like command prompt has been disabled by the administrator, then it won't work. If it just shows some file or folder location (like in the picture) it will work.

1. To open up notepad you go under accessories and then look for "notepad". Or click start then look for "run" and then type in "notepad" without the quotes.

2. Type this (exactly as it is or else it willn't work) in or copy and paste this in notepad.

@echo off
color b

echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% % random% %random% %random%
%random% %random%

goto start

3. Save this file as matrix.bat (.bat stands for a bat file) whever you want to .

4. Double or right click on it and open it up and numbers will start streaming down forever.

Here's a picture of what command prompt looks like after the fake virus is planted. These numbers will be moving very fast across the command prompt window... believe me.


I am on facebook and my email is

Pi digits (3000) digits!!!!!! memorized

1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923 0781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460 9550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954 9303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485 6692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817 4881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384 1469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185 4807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244 0656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176 7523846748184676694051320005681271452635608277857713427577896091 7363717872146844090122495343014654958537105079227968925892354201 9956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998 3729780499510597317328160963185950244594553469083026425223082533 4468503526193118817101000313783875288658753320838142061717766914 7303598253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532 171226806613001927876611195909216420198

Friday, October 23, 2009

Clicking the ads!!!!

Please click the ads.

If you need a reason why email me at


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Here is the link to my aunties website!

Here is the link: be sure to check it out!

She is a world champion wrestle!!!!!
So you don't want to mess with her!!!!
She is really really good.

Jared :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What is runescape? (read this to see about the game)

If you're bored at home with nothing to do or bored at school go to this link that I have typed here:

Well, runescape is (online massive multiplayer game) which means lots of people play it kind of like "wow"(world of warcraft). This game is about strategy and making money so you could look cool and have good weapons, so you could beat other players in a "pvp" world (player versus player world) where if you kill the guy you could get alot of money from killing him and then you could be a millionare. You could also be a member but you have pay money to be a member. A member is player that has extra things to do. After you create an account you have to go through a tutorial which is pretty simple. You want to try to make alot of money so then you could buy good armor. Here are some ways to make money:Mine, kill cows and get there "cowhides", kill other players on a (pvp world) and get there stuff "money, armor etc...".

So this is what you could be doing in your spare time if you're bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jared :)

My runescape bank accounts!

Click on them to get a better quality, full screen picture.
Here I have attached some pictures of what my banks looks like in runescape!

Jared :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Church

I have a cool church that is for junior highers and highschoolers at any age. There is a thing on tuesday nights that's called "impact" at 7pm-9pm.

It is " free" there is no cost for this, but there is a thing called "speed the light" where you give money to the missionaries around the world who preach the gospel to all people on the earth.

This is an "Assembly of God Church".

There are 3 church services on Sunday and 1 on Saturday. There is also definition (basicly a Sunday school) on the second service on Sunday. Like I said there is still impact on tuesday that's strictly for junior highers and highschoolers.

We have two campuses to go to and you can find all of the churches information and anything else that you want to know about it just follow this link.

With some awesome leaders and pastor like "Pastor Josh Jamison and Pastor Tyler Sollie"!!!
I give them 9,999quintillion thumbs up!

Our locations are in Issaquah and down in west seattle. You can find exact locations on the church website with the link above.

Jared :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Robot rage accounts!

If anyone wants a robot rage account email me at ""

Also I will post some robot rage accounts for free that already have some credits.

Here are some robot rage accounts:
usename: "
password: "mommy"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

If you need help in math help, check this out. :(

For help in math go to this website "". Or if you forgot some math go to the website below.

There are also games on this website to! But you can't hack the games or cheat in them, you have to play fair in them. :(

This website is for kids k-100 years old.

Jared :)

How to beat the system for a game called Phosphor Rasterwerks!

The website for this game is "" it is a free online game that you play by yourself and with bots and is a shooter game with blood in it.

Here are how to type in the cheats for phosphor:
1. When you start the game push the tick mark and type in both cheats.

Here are the only two cheats in the game.

1. god-This makes you invincible (you can't die).
2. ghost-Make you able to go through walls (when you type in ghost after you have done evything go directly to a wall then you could go through it.


Age of Empire #2 game cheat sheet!

These are the cheats for the game "Age of Empires #2".

diediedie-Kills all opponents
coinage-Extra 1000 gold or 1k gold
pepperoni pizza-Extra 1000 food or 1k food
quarry-Extra 1000 stones or 1k stones
photon man-Nuke trooper with laser gun
lumberjack-Extra 1000 wood
natural wonders-Gives you control of nature
rockon-Extra 1000 stones
black death-Kills all opponents
zeus-Invinsible army
big daddy-Rocket launching car
woodstock-Extra 1000 wood

Game website and the address using cmd(command prompt)!

These are some websites using cmd:

The name of the website first and then the address of them. or or or

How to get to any website using cmd (command prompt)!

How to use cmd (command prompt):

1. Open up notepad then type in "cmd.exe" and save it as "cmd.bat".

2. Save this in your documents or desktop.

How to play games anywhere if the website is broken using cmd to find the address:

1. Open up the "cmd.bat" file that you just created.

2. Type in "ping (website url) without the quotes.

3. Hit "enter".

4. A address should be right next to the website. This is a real address website called (

5. Do whatever you want with the website and then have fun!!!


Jared :)

This is how to get more credits in robot rage!!!

How to download cheat engine5.5:

1. You might need to be an administrator(admin) to download this.
2. Follow this link
3. When you get to the website look at the top left of the page and click downloads. 4. Click on whatever cheat engine you want to use (I am using cheat engine 5.3 but 5.5 is the newest one and you might want to consider getting that one,)
5. Download that cheat engine.
6. After you download the cheat engine install it and then save it on your start menu bar because you will be using it a lot.
This is how you download cheat engine!
Now I'll continue and tell you how to hack robot rage with it.
7. To get to robot rage is to go to the url bar and type in "robot rage".
8. Click on whichever website you want to use for robot rage. ( You might need to install adobe if you have not installed it already).
9. When you get to the game it will take probaly about 2 minutes to 5 minutes if your computer's internet is slow or fast.
10. After the game is done downloading create a account using your email (or a fake email) and a password that you could remember easily.
11. Next log in and then create your robot's name.
12. Open up cheat engine and in the top right hand cornor click on the flashing computer icon.
13. After you clicked on the flashing computer icon a box should pop up and scroll down all the way to the bottom and then click on the internet you are using (firefox, internet explore, or any other internet provider).
14. After that click ok and then you should go back to the cheat engine.
15. Type the number "50" into the value box because that's how much money you have when you first start the game (or create your account).
16. Go back to the game and click buy parts near the top of the screen if you haven't already.
17. Click on the scroll down bar in the game and click "weapons".
18. Click on the "dagger" and then click "buy".
19. After you bought a dagger go back to the cheat engine.
20. In the value box change the "50" to "40" because that is how much credits you have after you bought a dagger.
21. Click next scan ( if you clicked new scan or anything else it will ruin everything that you just did).
22. After that on your left there should be one address "double-click" and then it should pop up at the bottom of the cheat engine.
23. Right click that address and then click on "find out what writes to this address".
24. 2 boxes should pop up close the box to the right because you don't really need it and it will make your internet slower.
25. Go back to the game and then buy another "dagger".
26. Go back to the cheat engine and in the box infront of the cheat engine click on the "letters" and click replace.
27. Replace it with anything like 0 or d or whatever. It doesn't matter just keep it short and pointless/random.
28. Close all the cheat engine and go back to the game.
29. Click on the plow and then buy at most 30 plows because if you buy more then 30 of anything it will mess up the system.
31. Quit out of the game to log off then just close that whole internet window and any tabs it might have had. Then close out of cheat engine and don't save changes. 32. Go to your account and then sell everything that you just bought.
33. After you have done that when you get about 5k (k means 1000), 5000 credits do the same thing as before but with the "armour regenerator".

Here is another way to get tons of money without cheat engine.

1. Instead of logging on to robot rage through miniclip or something else, use this link to log into robot rage
2. Now log in just like you normaly would with your account.
3. Select your robot you want to do the hack with to get credits.
4. Sell all of your parts and find the most expensive part.
5. Click on it but don't click the sell button. (you're still in the sell tab.)
6. After you've clicked on your part go to the paint shop and move your cursor around until your cursor turns into one of those hands.
7. Click where your cursor turns into a hand many times because each time that you click it you get the amount of money for the item that you clicked on in step 5 but you don't sell the part.
8. Keep clicking until you're happy with your credits!

Here's 2 pictures of what the to do and what the screen will look like.
(click for better quality)

Here I also posted a video of how to get credits on robot rage without cheatengine.
This is a walkthrough.

Here is "anyname".Here is the picture of my credits it is 2,425,440 credits!!!!!

By:Jared :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Game Help

How to hack in robot rage to make alot of money.
I have a video on
My username is "jbqjao01" without the quotes.
To download cheat engine follow this link.
"" . Next you would click on downloads in the
top left cornor in the tan box, then download any of the cheat engines there
I downloaded cheat engine 5.3. But just so you know, getting the newer one (cheat engine 5.5) would be suggested because it's the same thing just with upgrades.

My username for robot rage is "Cinders", and "anyname" just so you know.

Jared :)
